lifesite news
Yale scientists link post-COVID jab illness to biomarkers that include elevated spike protein
LifeSite News • 1 DAY AGO
Did the Deep State install Pope Francis? Responding to Archbishop Viganò’s claims
LifeSite News • 1 DAY AGO
Jewelry company dehumanizes IVF babies by turning unused human embryos into pendants
LifeSite News • 1 DAY AGO
Mark Carney has history of supporting CBDCs, endorsed Freedom Convoy crackdown
LifeSite News • 1 DAY AGO
Archbishop of Kiev: Russian truce that continues persecution of Ukrainians would be ‘cruel mockery’
LifeSite News • 1 DAY AGO
Trudeau government buys 500k bird flu vaccines to be ‘ready’ for potential ‘health threats’
LifeSite News • 1 DAY AGO
Trudeau Liberals spend $1.7 million on promoting abortion, transgenderism to ‘marginalized groups’
LifeSite News • 1 DAY AGO
Trump HHS officially declares only two sexes: ‘Back to science and common sense’
LifeSite News • 1 DAY AGO