Wrap Up for Thursday, June 13, 2024 | The Senate Democratic Caucus Skip to contentAbout Senate DemsOur ValuesOur CaucusDiversity InitiativeDemocratic Steering & Outreach Committee (DSOC)Democratic Policy & Communications Committee (DPCC)Rules for the Democratic ConferenceThe FloorWrap UpSenate ScheduleNewsroomPressSpeechesThe Senate Democratic Caucus Logo goes to Home PageAbout ChuckEn EspañolNuestros ValoresSala de Prensa Conoce a ChuckWebsite Search OpenSubmit Site Search QueryWebsite SearchSenator Democrats FacebookSenator Democrats TwitterSenator Democrats Instagram The Floor Wrap Up Published: 06.13.2024 Wrap Up for Thursday, June 13, 2024 RollCall Votes1. Confirmationof Executive Calendar #668 - Judy W. Chang, of Massachusetts, to be a Member ofthe Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a term expiring June 30, 2029;confirmed: 63-33.2. Motion to invoke cloture on themotion to proceed to Calendar #413, S.4445, Right to IVF Act; not invoked:48-47. LegislativeBusiness? Passed S.4548, NDAA ForeignExtortion Prevention Act Correction Adopted the following resolutions:S.Res.732, celebrating the 247thanniversary of the creation of the flag of the United States and expressingsupport for the Pledge of AllegianceS.Res.735 Glioblastoma Awareness DayAt a timeto be determined by the Majority Leader, in consultation with the RepublicanLeader, it will be in order for the Chair to lay before the Senate the Housemessage to accompany S.870. The Majority Leader or his designee will berecognized to make a motion to concur in the House amendments. There will be upto 2 hours of debate divided. Upon the use or yielding back of that time, theSenate will vote on the motion to concur in the House amendments withoutfurther intervening action or debate. - S.870,Fire Grants and Safety Act Began the Rule 14 process to place thefollowing bill on the Legislative Calendar of Business:S.4541, to amend the Internal RevenueCode of 1986 to make certain provisions with respect to qualified ABLE programspermanent. (Schmitt) ExecutiveBusinessAt a timeto be determined by the Majority Leader in consultation with the RepublicanLeader the Senate will vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #590Stephanie Sanders Sullivan, of Maryland, to be Representative to the AfricanUnion, with the rank and status of Ambassador. Print Email Share Tweet Previous Jobs Diversity Initiative DSOC DPCC Senator Democrats FacebookSenator Democrats TwitterSenator Democrats Instagram About Senate DemsOur ValuesOur CaucusDiversity InitiativeDemocratic Steering & Outreach Committee (DSOC)Democratic Policy & Communications Committee (DPCC)Rules for the Democratic Conference The FloorWrap UpSenate Schedule NewsroomPressSpeeches About Chuck En EspañolNuestros ValoresSala de Prensa Conoce a Chuckwebsite-searchSearchSite Search Search