Schedule for Wednesday, January 29, 2025 | The Senate Democratic Caucus Skip to contentAbout Senate DemsOur ValuesOur CaucusDiversity InitiativeDemocratic Steering & Policy Committee (DSPC)Democratic Strategic Communications Committee (SCC)Rules for the Democratic ConferenceThe FloorWrap UpSenate ScheduleNewsroomPressSpeechesThe Senate Democratic Caucus Logo goes to Home PageAbout ChuckEn EspañolNuestros ValoresSala de Prensa Conoce a ChuckWebsite Search OpenSubmit Site Search QueryWebsite SearchSenator Democrats FacebookSenator Democrats TwitterSenator Democrats Instagram The Floor Senate Schedule Published: 01.29.2025 Schedule for Wednesday, January 29, 2025 The Senatestands adjourned until 12:00 noon on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. FollowingLeader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of Executive Calendar #8Lee Zeldin, of New York, to be Administrator of the Environmental ProtectionAgency. Atapproximately 1:00pm, the Senate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture onthe Zeldin nomination. If clotureis invoked, there will be up to 2 hours of debate. Upon the use or yieldingback of time, the Senate will vote on confirmation of the Zeldin nomination.Following disposition of the nomination, the Senate will vote on the motion toinvoke cloture on Executive Calendar #9 Douglas Burgum, of North Dakota, to beSecretary of the Interior. Cloturehas been filed on the following nominations:1. ExecutiveCalendar #8 Lee Zeldin, of New York, to be Administrator of the EnvironmentalProtection Agency 2. Executive Calendar #9 DouglasBurgum, of North Dakota, to be Secretary of the Interior3. Executive Calendar #10 ChristopherWright, of Colorado, to be Secretary of Energy4. Executive Calendar #7 DouglasCollins, of Georgia, to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs Wednesday,January 29th at approx. 1:00pm – roll call vote:1. Motionto invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #8 Lee Zeldin, of New York, to beAdministrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Wednesday,January 29th if cloture is invoked, up to 2 hours of debate – 2 rollcall votes:1. Confirmationof Executive Calendar #8 Lee Zeldin, of New York, to be Administrator of theEnvironmental Protection Agency2. Motion to invoke cloture onExecutive Calendar #9 Douglas Burgum, of North Dakota, to be Secretary of theInterior Print Email Share Tweet Previous Jobs Diversity Initiative DSPC SCC Senator Democrats FacebookSenator Democrats TwitterSenator Democrats Instagram About Senate DemsOur ValuesOur CaucusDiversity InitiativeDemocratic Steering & Policy Committee (DSPC)Democratic Strategic Communications Committee (SCC)Rules for the Democratic Conference The FloorWrap UpSenate Schedule NewsroomPressSpeeches About Chuck En EspañolNuestros ValoresSala de Prensa Conoce a Chuckwebsite-searchSearchSite Search Search